Vegetable planting and watering need to be understood

2021-05-19 901

Vegetable seedlings need little water, but careful management is needed to cultivate strong seedlings of suitable age. Before sowing, it is necessary to water the seedbed thoroughly. After seeding, it should be sown. After sowing, it should not be watered with masked water. The seedling stage should generally keep the seedbed wet. If the seedlings grow longer, the seedling piers can be strengthened by controlling watering. Some vegetables should not be watered more at seedling stage, such as coriander, garlic, open Autumn Cucumber and so on. Some seedlings with small and shallow roots, such as leek, Chinese cabbage and amaranth, should be watered lightly and diligently.

One week before seedling planting, water control, seedling refining and strong roots should be carried out; before seedling emergence, water should be poured into the border to increase root injury during seedling raising; while seedling emergence, seedling cultivation and watering should be done at the same time. Water slow seedling once 4-5 days after planting. After slow seedling, water control should be appropriate to promote rooting. As for some vegetables with fruit as commercial organs, it is generally not appropriate to water them from the beginning of flowering to the beginning of fruit setting, such as towel gourd, balsam pea, lentils, chili pepper, etc. Watered until a certain number of fruits are stabilized. And some vegetables (green leafy vegetables, cabbage, etc.) with large temporary water demand should be watered frequently to maintain their vigorous nutritional growth. If celery is watered regularly within 2 months after planting, otherwise, growth will be delayed.


In the middle and early stages of vegetable growth, the range of watering should be determined according to the root-shoot ratio, such as bergamot watering within 3-4 meters from the plant. Regarding vegetables (such as agaric, leek, celery, etc.) that are continuously picked, do not water them immediately after each harvest, because the wound does not heal and watering can easily cause decay. Vegetables (Chinese cabbage, potatoes, scallions, etc.) that need to be stored after harvest should be watered before harvest to improve their storage resistance.

In addition, when planting warm-loving vegetables in cold season, water them in the morning on sunny days, but not in the afternoon or in rainy and snowy days. Generally, warm water (6-10 C) is used. In order to reduce the air humidity in the greenhouse, we can use dark water under the film. We should water enough small water, not small water. The overwintering Vegetable Cultivated in open field should be watered with enough water before thawing. In hot season, cold vegetable should be planted. When watering, it is appropriate to choose & quot; when it is cool in the day, in the ground and in the water, it is time to water, sooner or later. It can be used to water wells or shaded rivers. When it rains in summer, it is necessary to pour well water once to avoid rotten roots.

The article originates from: Vegetable Distribution Company


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